Don’t eat this sweet, drink it… as soon as it dissolves in the mouth, the mind and body become cool, there is a crowd of buyers

Sanandan Upadhyay / Ballia. There are many types of sweets available in the market, but today we will talk about one such sweet which is not eaten but drunk. Drinking this sweet gives coolness to the liver. Please tell that this sweet is made by mixing beneficial things like rose water, rose petals, kewra, sandalwood etc.

We are talking about Gulab Sakri found in Ballia. This sweet is considered beneficial for health. People come from far and wide to enjoy the taste of this sweet. Shopkeeper Arun Kumar told that this shop is more than 70 years old. This sweet is not made for eating but for drinking. Whoever enjoyed its taste became crazy about it. Also told that it is very beneficial for health. According to the shopkeeper, a piece of this sweet is put in a glass filled with water and it dissolves in a while. After this drinking it cools the mind and body.

How is this famous sweet made?
To make this sweet, mixing all the ingredients along with kewra, kewra water, rose petals, rose water and sandalwood is first refined by putting them in sugar syrup. During this, it is kept at a fixed temperature for some time. After that he is beaten with a wooden stick. Due to this it comes in the form of sawdust. In this way, after a lot of hard work and time, this sweet takes a shape.

Know what is the cost of sweets?
This sweet is prepared in two qualities. On the basis of this its price is decided. One sweet is available at Rs 300 per kg, while the rate of the other sweet is Rs 360 per kg. Although there is a crowd of people to buy both the sweets.

how to reach this shop
About 36 kilometers away from Ballia district headquarters, near Sikandarpur police station, there is Kailash Mishthan Bhandar and refreshment house near Maa Jalpa Kalpa place. Gulab Sakri sweets are available at this shop. You can also come here and enjoy this unique and delicious dessert.

Tags: Ballia News, food, food 18

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