‘Don’t forget to praise your wife’, the man made this mistake, the punishment he got was so horrific, no one can even imagine!

Many times such incidents come to light in the world that you cannot believe it could have happened. Especially when this incident is related to a human relationship. The relationship of husband and wife is considered very important for each other. It is based on the foundation of trust but what happens if someone breaks this trust?

Small fights happen between husband and wife but hardly any partner would want to kill the other as a punishment for this. However, a woman gave a horrific punishment to her husband just for not praising her. This case is from Missouri, America and the woman is accused of getting so angry on not getting praise from her husband that she started giving him slow poison.

If you don’t praise me, then die!
The woman had organized a 50th birthday party for her husband. After the party, he did not praise his wife nor did he say anything nice to her. Feeling insulted by this, the wife mixed a pesticide called ‘Round Up’ in his cold drink. According to the report of Oddity Central, one day the man found a bottle of cold drink kept in the fridge to have a strange taste. As soon as he drank it, his health deteriorated. In such a situation, he decided to check the CCTV camera of the house.

The matter reached the police
When the man saw the camera, he was shocked. His wife was doing something with a soda bottle and a container of weedkiller. He immediately complained about this to the Laclede County Sheriff’s Office. The man said that his wife might want to kill him for his $500,000 life insurance policy. However, when the police questioned the wife, a different reason came to light. She said that she had organized a birthday party. Since her husband did not praise her for this, she wanted to punish him for it.

FIRST PUBLISHED : July 3, 2024, 14:02 IST

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