doomsday clock in 2024 Atomic scientists issue news bulletin know everything

Doomsday Clock: There are 90 seconds left in the clock of great destruction. Scientists have a symbolic clock, which shows how far we are from the great destruction. at this moment year 2023 There were 90 seconds left in the catastrophe caused by the Ukraine war. Scientists have also said that there is a big danger in 2024.

The Doomsday Clock symbolically shows how close we are to destruction. Its time has once again reached near great destruction. According to a report, the time recorded on the clock is 90 seconds before midnight. Scientists changed the time of this clock with their own hands. This clock is closest to midnight, but scientists have stopped increasing it further. He said the reason for increasing the clock time was due to concerns related to the new nuclear arms race, Ukraine war and climate change.

The time of this clock is changed every year by the Bulletin of Nuclear Scientists. Since 2007, scientists have also considered new man-made risks such as climate change and AI, including the use of nuclear weapons. In its 2024 announcement on Tuesday, the bulletin said China, Russia and the US are all spending huge sums to expand or modernize their nuclear arsenals.

Danger of nuclear war increased – scientist
According to the press release issued by scientists, the risk of nuclear war has increased due to mistake or miscalculation. The Ukraine war is also being seen as a risk of nuclear attack. A lack of action to reduce the risks of climate change and risks associated with the misuse of emerging biological technologies and AI were also cited.

Let us tell you that Doomsday Clock was made in 1947 by atomic bomb maker J. Robert Oppenheimer and his fellow American scientists. This clock was made by scientists after the nuclear attacks by America on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. He wanted to warn people through this clock. They also wanted to put pressure on world leaders so that it could never be used again.

History of Doomsday Clock
-The time of this clock has been changed 25 times so far.
-When it was made in 1947, it had 7 minutes before midnight.
-In 1949, when the Soviets made the nuclear bomb, 3 minutes were left.
-In 1953, America tested the hydrogen bomb, when the clock remained 2 minutes to midnight.
-After the end of the Cold War in 1991, it left 17 minutes to midnight.
-In 1998, 9 minutes were left after India and Pakistan’s nuclear test.
-Due to the Ukraine war in 2023, the clock has 90 seconds left from midnight. Even now according to scientists only 90 seconds are left which is a matter of concern.

Let us tell you that last year i.e. in view of the war situation all over the world in 2023, 10 seconds were reduced in this clock for the first time in 3 years. According to scientists, the less time remains before midnight, the closer the danger of nuclear war will become in the world.

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