Drinking Parents Put Kids’ Health at Risk Says Study

A new research has revealed that the drinking habits of parents can have a serious impact on the health of their children. This study conducted by scientists at Texas A&M University has revealed that children of parents who both consume alcohol excessively may age faster and may be prone to serious diseases.

How does alcohol affect children?
When parents consume excessive alcohol, it has a bad effect on the body of their children. Due to this, a problem called ‘Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder’ (FASD) can arise in children. This disorder hinders the physical, mental and emotional development of children. Such children are at increased risk of many diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and mental disorders. Usually these diseases occur at the age of 40-50 years, but in children suffering from FASD, these diseases start appearing at an early age.

This has an effect on children
Children’s immunity can be weakened, which can cause them to fall sick frequently. Apart from this, mental stress and anxiety can also develop quickly in them, which has a negative impact on their lives. Parents’ alcohol habits can prove to be harmful for both the health and future of children.

It affects mental health
This study also found that children of parents who drink alcohol are at a higher risk of mental disorders. These children can develop stress, anxiety and other mental problems early. This also has a negative impact on their physical development, and they can face diseases like those of the elderly at an early age.

What should parents do?
The results of this study show that parents should control their drinking habits, because it has a direct impact on the health of their children. For the health and happy future of children, it is important that parents improve their lives and create a healthy environment. By doing this, not only will the physical and mental development of children be in the right direction, but their future will also be bright.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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