early signs of oral cancer common in patients

Signs of oral cancer: Nowadays, cases of cancer are increasing continuously. Bad eating habits and lifestyle are said to be the reason behind this. One thing is often said about cancer that if it is detected in time, then its treatment is possible. Cancer is becoming a dangerous disease for the whole world. Every year, crores of people die due to it.

The cancer is growing rapidly

Its cases are also increasing rapidly in India. According to a report by India Against Cancer, about 27 lakh people in India are undergoing treatment for cancer. Out of this, 8.5 lakh people died due to cancer in the year 2020. Many reports also indicate that if lifestyle is not treated in time, then cancer cases will increase rapidly. Genes are responsible for only 5-10 percent of cases. Environment and lifestyle are responsible for the rest. If you want to avoid cancer, then it is most important that it is identified in the beginning so that its treatment can start in time and the person’s life can be saved.

Today we will tell you in detail that the colour of the tongue also reveals the secrets of your health and cancer.

Tongue color

If the colour of a person’s tongue suddenly turns black, then it can be an early symptom of throat infection and bacterial infection. Along with this, the colour of the tongue of diabetes patients also starts turning black. The colour of the tongue also starts turning black in cancer disease. Similarly, the colour of the tongue also starts turning black in ulcers and bacterial infections in the stomach.

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8 symptoms of oral cancer

1. Loosening of teeth
2. Appearance of a lump around the neck
3. Swelling or sores on the lips that are not healing
4. Difficulty or pain in swallowing
5. Changes in speech
6. Bleeding or numbness in the mouth
7. White or red patches on the tongue or gums
8. Weight loss for no apparent reason

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Causes of oral cancer

1. Excessive consumption of tobacco or alcohol
2. Human papillomavirus (HPV)
3. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
4. Genetic
5. Poor oral hygiene
6. Gum disease
7. Excessive exposure to the sun
8. Chewing betel nut too much

what is the treatment for mouth cancer

1. Treatment of mouth cancer depends on its type, location and condition.
2. Tests like CT and MRI scans show how much the cancer has grown. Doctors decide the treatment based on staging.
3. The common treatment for oral cancer is surgery, which removes the tumor. Surgery can be effective in early-stage cancer.
4. Some small mouth cancers can be treated with radiotherapy.
5. Chemotherapy uses medicines to kill or shrink tumors.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

Also read: Breast Cancer: Night shift is affecting health, the risk of breast cancer is increasing in women

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