Everyone likes to listen to songs. Many times, while listening to songs, people forget about the health of their ears, due to which there is a possibility of many diseases. Today, through this article, we will tell you how listening to loud music through earphones or headphones can be harmful for the ears. Besides, this also increases the possibility of having bacteria in our ears.
Nowadays, everyone from children to adults does their work wearing earphones, not only this, people use earphones everywhere in gym, office, home. In such a situation, many times, without paying attention, we keep the earphones anywhere, due to which the surrounding particles like dirt, small mosquitoes, dust get stuck on the earphones. Then we pick them up from there and put them on our ears, by doing this the bacteria present in the earphones enter our ears. Due to which ear diseases start occurring.
Many times people interchange earphones. By exchanging these, the bacteria from the other person’s ear also enter your ears. By doing this, ear related problems start occurring. Problems like deafness have been seen in many people. As soon as the earphones enter the ear, the dirt and dust particles present in them enter the ear. Because your ear canal is dark and warm, it creates a breeding ground for bacteria. Due to which our ears start getting infected and gradually this causes ear related diseases.
Using earphones for a long time causes severe pain in the ears. Its electromagnetic waves have a bad effect on the brain, due to which nerves become swollen, hearing cells become numb, ear infections increase.
protect yourself like this
Use mobile instead of headphones or earphones.
Do not exchange your earphones with anyone.
Do not use earphones for a long time.
Use headphones and earphones only from a good company.
Keep cleaning the earphones from time to time.
Take breaks from earphones every now and then.
Do not use headphones and earphones for more than 60 minutes a day.
read this also- Laughing Benefits: Laugh loudly, you will get so many benefits that you will forget to count.
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