eat till late night causes harmful diseases for body

It is very difficult to find time for yourself in this busy life. Something similar happens when you work all day and come home at night. Be it a boy or a girl, when he gets free from work at night, the whole family sits together and eats food. In such a situation, before they finish eating, it is 11 to 12 o’clock at night. At the same time, the habit of eating food till late night has also been seen in teenagers. But do you know that doing this has dangerous effects on health. Today in this report we will tell you what diseases you may have to face due to eating food till late.

Disadvantages of eating late

If you eat food till late night every day, it can cause many types of physical harm to you. Eating food late at night causes calories to get accumulated in the body, which increases the risk of weight gain. Apart from this, diseases like diabetes can also occur. Eating food till late night increases the risk of heart related diseases. Apart from this, problems like fatigue, headache, irritability can also occur. When you eat food till late night and then go to sleep, it can cause sleep problems.

Not only this, eating food till late night causes problems like acidity, stomach burning, indigestion. To avoid all this, you should have dinner before 8 pm. If you feel hungry before sleeping, you can consume milk. Keep in mind that you should not drink tea, because after drinking tea you cannot sleep. If you already have diabetes or any other health problem, then do not consume food till late night even by mistake. If you eat food till late night and then have any problem, then definitely consult a doctor once.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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