‘Eat too much kebab, stomach ache!’ Received a strange call for help, started demanding to send an ambulance

Ambulance is a very useful thing. Whenever it becomes a matter of life or death for a person, he can call an ambulance and go to the hospital. But you will be surprised to know that some people call an ambulance for very strange things. Recently, a British ambulance company told that they receive hundreds of calls every day, in which people ask for an ambulance (Weird phone calls for ambulance). But those demands are so strange that you will be surprised to hear about them.

According to the report of Daily Star News website, Welsh Ambulance Service recently told what kind of calls they receive. He told that last year he had received 4,14,149 lakh calls, out of which 68,416 were such calls in which there was no risk to life. This means that every day he received about 188 such calls. You might be wondering what kind of call this is. Let us tell you. People dial 999 for these calls.

The Welsh Ambulance Service explains what types of calls they receive. (Symbolic photo: Canva)

Strange calls come for ambulance
The company told that once they got a call from a person who told that he had eaten too many kebabs. The man told that he had a stomach ache, then when the operator asked what happened to him, he said that he had eaten more kebabs than required last night. Due to this his stomach is hurting a lot since morning. When one called, he said that his wife accidentally wiped her eyes with her hands stained with chilli and her eyes started burning. He tried a lot to remove the chillies by washing but to no avail. One even said that he had a cold for two days due to which his chest was tight and he probably needed an ambulance.

‘Call only in case of major problems!’
Andy Swinburn, executive director of this paramedicine company, has appealed to people to call for an ambulance only when their problem is actually life-threatening or they have a major emergency. Calls for trivial matters make it difficult to deliver services to those who actually need them. He said that if someone is having chest pain, having a heart attack, having a fit, or is having a reaction to a very serious allergy, then they should call an ambulance. Otherwise, for minor gas, cuts or cold, people should go to the nearby doctor, or keep first aid at home so that they can get rid of these problems.

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Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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