Eating protein-rich food after intermittent fasting has a wonderful effect on the intestines, study revealed

According to recent research, eating protein paced diet after intermittent fasting leads to rapid weight loss. Researchers found that intermittent fasting and eating protein keeps the gut healthy and also improves the microbiome significantly.

It also keeps digestion healthy. It also provides relief from stomach related problems. According to a report published in ‘Nature Communications’, 41 participants were included in this research. Those who were overweight were given this type of diet for 8 weeks.

In this report the participants were divided into two groups

Intermittent fasting and protein pacing diet: Food should be eaten four times a day. Which should be at a gap of every 4 hours. It contains 35% carbohydrates, 30% fat and 35% protein. Every day food contains 25-50 grams of protein. Every person involved in this followed this diet for five to six days a week.

Calorie-rich diet

This diet included a calorie-rich diet of 41% carbohydrates, 38% fat and 21% protein. Following this diet also keeps the heart healthy. Reduced the total consumption of fat, carbohydrates, sodium, sugar and reduced calorie intake by about 40% (about 1000 calories per day) from baseline levels. Both groups were monitored for 8 weeks for changes in body weight, body composition, gut microbiome and other biomarkers.

Intermittent fasting and protein pacing significantly affected the gut microbiome compared to calorie restriction alone. Eating such a diet proved to be very good for the body due to the healthy bacteria found in the gut. The IF and protein pacing protocol also increased protein in the blood, which has been shown to be good for weight loss as well as increasing fat metabolism. This led to improvements in weight loss and body composition.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. You must consult the concerned expert before implementing any suggestion.

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