Eating Rusk With Tea Harmful For Health Know Disadvantages

Rusk Health Risks: Who does not like to eat toast (rusk) with tea? Most people start their daily routine with these two things. Some people definitely want toast with tea, because the sips of tea become useless again. Although some people start eating it dry. But do you know how badly the rusk you are eating with such gusto can harm your health? According to a nutritionist, rusk can cause many physical problems, this is because the quality of refined, flour, sugar, oil, gluten often used to make it is not right.

Nutritionist and Diabetes Educator Khushbu Jain Tibrewala tells that the consumption of this type of rusk can increase the blood sugar level and you may have to face the problem of diabetes. Apart from this, it also works to increase inflammation in the body. According to the Indian Express report, Tibrewala said that daily or continuous consumption of rusk can keep the level of glucose in the blood unstable. It also works to increase the bacteria in your intestine, due to which many problems can arise, such as low immunity, desire for unnecessary food, etc. Rusk also affects your hormonal health and causes an increase in body fat. Because of this, many times you feel unnecessarily hungry and have a desire to eat something. Tibrewala suggests that instead of having rusks with tea, people can consume horn-gram or roasted makhana.

‘Rusk’ can harm health

Health coach Digvijay Singh says that the ingredients used to make rusk can harm health. The matter of concern here is also the color of the rusks. Caramel color or brown food color is often used to give a brown color to the toast. These colors can prove to be injurious to health. Usually color is added to the rusk along with flour to make it look like wheat and to give it a nice look. According to Singh, multigrain rusk can also contain maida. That’s why always eat 100 percent whole wheat or 100 percent semolina rusk. He also said that before buying any product must read the label.

Disadvantages of eating unhealthy rusk

1. If more flour, oil or sugar juice is eaten, then it can block the veins of the heart, which can increase the risk of heart attack.

2. Digestion system can be harmed. Because the system has to work harder to digest the toast.

3. Rusk lacks such qualities from which you can get nutrition. It only serves to fill the stomach, but does not contribute to health benefits.

4. There is a risk of increasing the blood sugar level due to its excessive consumption. Due to increase in the amount of sugar in the blood, the level of sugar can also increase rapidly. Due to which the risk of stroke arises.

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