Election Commission C-Vigil app Can one complain to the know who comes under the ambit

Preparations for the 18th Lok Sabha elections are going on in full swing in the country. To prevent violation of code of conduct during elections, the government has launched the C-Vigil app long ago. Any person can complain through this. Today we will tell about which people apart from the candidates and the Election Commission, you can complain on this app.

You can complain like this

During the Lok Sabha elections in the country, if any candidate is making unfair use of distributing money and liquor to the voters. So through this app you can file a complaint. There is also an option to upload photos and videos on this app. After this, the Election Commission will take action within 100 minutes.

Code of Conduct violation

Lok Sabha Elections If any candidate or party worker violates the code of conduct during. So any common man can file a complaint against him on C-Vigil app. After which the Election Commission will take action against all those people.

What is C Vigil App?

CVigil App means Vigilant Citizen. A fast-track complaint, reception and redressal system has been developed in this. CVigil App is an innovative mobile phone application to report violations related to model code of conduct and expenditure of candidates during elections. Which will capture only live photos and videos.

of using

This app not only captures live photos and videos but also auto location. So that the flying squad can get digital evidence to work. However, for this it is necessary to have internet connectivity in the mobile phone. It is necessary to have camera, internet connectivity and location on in the mobile phone. Now you do not need to go to the office of the Returning Officer for any complaint. The CVigil app instantly connects the aware citizens to the monitoring team of the District Control Room, Returning Officer and the status of the flying squad.

Against whom can a complaint be made?

Let us tell you that complaints can be lodged against leaders and workers who violate the rules through the CVigil app. Apart from this, you can also complain against the officer of any department including the Election Commission. If you file a complaint along with evidence against any official taking bribe, distributing liquor, violating rules, then action is certain to be taken against that employee.

Complaints are being filed through the app

The general public is filing complaints across the country through the Civigil app. For example, Chief Electoral Officer of Madhya Pradesh Anupam Rajan said that as soon as the Model Code of Conduct came into force from March 16, complaints started being received on the C-Vigil app. He said that till April 1, a total of 1473 complaints have been received through this app from all the districts of the state. All these complaints have been resolved promptly. Apart from this, complaints are being filed in other states also.

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