Election Result 2024 When will the candidates who are winning today in the Lok Sabha elections officially become MPs

Lok Sabha Elections 2024 Counting of votes continues across the country, While the leaders are being tested, the public is also eagerly waiting to see their chosen candidate win, The complete results of the elections will be out in front of everyone by today evening., Discussions about who won and who lost will continue later., But whichever candidate wins today will not get the post of MP today itself., But there is a process for that as well, So let’s know how a candidate reaches the seat of MP after winning,

How to become an MP after winning the election,

In fact, any candidate who wins the election is considered an MP only after taking oath., Articles of the Constitution 79 from 122 Till date, Parliament is given, Lok Sabha is also known as the Lower House, which is based on the British parliament, Apart from this, Lok Sabha MPs are directly elected by the people., Tenure of Lok Sabha members 5 lasts for years, In addition, the maximum number of members of the House 552 it occurs, in which 530 Member States and 20 Members representing Union Territories,

In addition, in every state Allocation of seats is based on the population of the state, For SC and ST communities in Lok Sabha 131 Seats are allotted, in which 84 SC and 47 ST are reserved for the,

Qualifications to become a member of Lok Sabha

To become a member of Lok Sabha, certain qualifications are necessary., Firstly, that person should be a citizen of India, Second, his minimum age 25 be the year, The third candidate should not be insane or bankrupt, Fourthly, he should have true loyalty towards the constitution and fifthly, he should not hold any government office of profit,

What facilities do MPs get,

Articles of the Constitution 106 according to, MPs have this right That he should fix his salary and allowances by making a law, Salary and allowances of Indian MPs are different from those of MPs of other countries, Like in India MPs are given housing whereas in Britain allowance is given for taking accommodation on rent, Apart from this, no such allowance is given to American MPs.,

the same year 1985 According to a law passed by Parliament in, MPs are given certain allowances, As, office allowances, Residential Allowances, The power to determine and amend these lies with the Central Government, the same year 2018 There was an amendment in the law regarding salary of MPs in 2013, This amendment provided that the salaries of MPs, Allowances and pension will increase every five years,

What is the salary of MPs,

Talking about the salary of MPs, the salary of cabinet ministers per month is Rs. 1,00,000 Rupees Is, Besides this, every day they are required to perform their duties 2000 Rupees, Constituency Allowance 70,000 and office allowance every month 60,000 Rupees are given, Whereas the MPs got rail , Water, Electricity, Telephone, Free medical and other facilities are given to, They also get discount on flight fares.,

Also read: Ballot votes are counted first, then whose votes are counted last?

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