Electricity reaches the house in a few seconds! After all, what is the speed of the current flowing in the wires?

Electricity Speed: Our daily life is surrounded by electrical equipment, be it home or office or anywhere else, you will definitely find some or the other equipment based on electricity. Nowadays almost every house has access to electricity. In today’s time, electricity has made such a place in our life that if it is not there, we don’t know how many important works will be stopped. We all know that wires are needed to carry electricity from one place to another, but do you know the speed of current in these wires?

How long does it take to reach home?
Electricity is generated at one place and then moving from there reaches our homes. Do you know how long it takes for electricity to reach our homes from the place where it is generated? If not, we’ll let you know. Actually, the time taken for electricity to reach your house is also directly related to its speed, so if its speed is known then it is not difficult to find out how much time it takes to reach your house from where electricity is generated. Yes… So let’s know what is the speed of this electricity flowing in the stars…

What is the speed of current in electric wires?
The speed of current in electric wires is almost equal to the speed of light. Now you must be thinking how so? Actually, both these are electromagnetic waves. There is only difference of frequency in them. On this basis, the speed of current in electric wires is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second.

You must have noticed one more thing that when there is lightning in the sky, first we see the lightning and then we hear its crackling sound. This simply means that the speed of light is greater than the speed of sound.

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The distance between the Sun and the Earth is about 14,92,00,000 kilometers i.e. 9,29,60,000 miles. It takes 8 minutes 16.6 seconds for the light of the sun to reach the earth. That’s why when the Sun rises, we can easily see it with our eyes, but when its light reaches us, we cannot see the Sun.

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