Elon Musk Tesla Car in space know what it is condition now facts

Elon Musk keeps doing something or the other that keeps him in the headlines, he did something like that last year 2018 I did it too, Actually, right from today 6 year ago 6 February 2018 On 20th November, Elon Musk sent his Tesla car into space via Falcon Heavy rocket, Along with this Tesla car, a driver from the company was also sent sitting in the driving seat, In such a situation, the question arises that what is that car doing in space now and what happened to the driver who was sent into space with the car, Let us know,

What is Elon Musk’s car doing in space,

For information, let us tell you that the driver who went with the car into space was not a human being but a dummy who was sent wearing a spacesuit., Let us tell you that this dummy was named Starman, This Tesla Car Before sending it into space, it was decided that this car would be sent into the orbit of Mars, It is a bit difficult to estimate the exact location of this car today, but according to media reports, This Tesla car of Elon Musk had turned in the wrong direction and this car is revolving around the sun,

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Elon Musk used to go to office in this car,

It is worth noting that the name of this personal car of Elon Musk which was sent into space is Tesla Roadster Was, It is said that once upon a time Elon Musk used to drive this car to the office, According to reports, Ever since this vehicle separated from the rocket, Since then this car has been orbiting the sun, You will be surprised to know that it is estimated that this car has not been exposed to the sun yet 3 has completed the round,

What are the features of the car,

Tesla company sent into space Electric Sports Car If we look at some important features of this car then on a single full charge 620mi (About 997 Kilometer, can cover a distance of up to, Apart from this, the Tesla Roadster is merely 1.9 in just seconds 0 From 60 If it picks up the speed of 0 From 100 This car takes time to reach speeds up to 4.2 it takes seconds,

This car has seating capacity for four people, As per the information given on the official website of the company, If anyone wants to book this car of Tesla company then he should 50 Reservation price of $1,000 ,About 41 Lakh 68 Thousand 627 Rs, will have to pay, In this car, customers get a glass roof and the top speed of this car is no less than any sports car.,

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Will Elon Musk’s car ever return from space?,

Will Elon Musk’s Tesla Roadster ever return from space?, This question is roaming in the minds of many people, But let us tell you that till now Elon Musk has no plans to bring this car back to Earth, According to reports, This vehicle moving in space cannot be tracked, This is because this work will cost a lot of money., If reports are to be believed, this car of Tesla company is roaming in space 2091 will pass by the earth in, Will this car return to earth or not?, Only time can answer this question,

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