Enjoy asafetida fritters with evening tea, the taste of your mouth will change, they will be ready in minutes


Asafoetida Pakora can be prepared and eaten at any time.
The flavor of asafoetida pakora enhances the taste of evening tea.

Heeng Pakoda Recipe: If asafetida fritters are mixed with evening tea, then the enjoyment of tea doubles. The flavor of asafoetida in the pakodas completely changes the taste of the mouth. If you also like to eat pakoras as a snack, then this time you can try asafetida pakoras. Asafoetida pakoras are also better in terms of digestion. Asafetida pakoras can be eaten even if you feel a little hungry during the day. The taste of asafoetida pakoras is liked by adults as well as children. They can be prepared very easily.
Asafoetida pakoras are tasty and it does not take much time to make them. A little rice flour can also be mixed in gram flour to make asafoetida pakoras. If you have never made asafoetida pakodas, then you can prepare them with the help of a simple recipe.

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Ingredients for making Asafoetida Pakora
Gram flour – 2 bowls
Rice flour – 2 tbsp
Asafoetida – 1/2 tsp
Ginger-green chili paste – 1 tbsp
Ajwain – 1/2 tsp
Turmeric – 1/4 tsp
Red chili – 1/2 tsp
Baking soda – 1 pinch
Lemon juice – 1/2 tsp
Green coriander – 2 tbsp
Oil – for frying
salt – as per taste

Asafoetida Pakora Recipe
To make asafoetida pakora, first finely chop green chillies and green coriander leaves. Now take a deep bottom vessel and put gram flour in it. After this mix rice flour in gram flour. After this add asafoetida, ginger-green chili paste, turmeric, red chili, baking soda and mix. Now add celery, green coriander, green chilies, salt as per taste and lemon juice to the mixture and mix everything well.

Now pour water little by little in the utensil and prepare gram flour balls. The gram flour batter should neither be too thin nor too thick. This will make it easier to make pakoras. After this, put oil in a pan and heat it on medium flame. When the oil becomes hot, take small amounts of the gram flour mixture in your hand and make pakoras and put them in the pan. Deep fry the pakoras according to the capacity of the pan.

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After frying the pakoras for 1-2 minutes, turn them over and cook them from the other side. Roast the asafoetida pakoras until they become light golden and crispy from both the sides. After that take them out in a plate. In the same way, make tasty asafoetida pakoras from all the batter. Serve Tasty Hing Pakodas with evening tea.

Tags: food, Food Recipe, Lifestyle

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