Enjoy Pizza and Maggi together, try this tasty recipe, see how to make it in the video


Eating Pizza Maggi gives the taste of two dishes at once.
Pizza Maggi is also prepared in two minutes.

Pizza Maggi Video Recipe: You must be enjoying Maggi every week. At the same time, the test of pizza would also be tasted once or twice in a month. But have you ever tried the combination of Maggi and Pizza? If not, then tell that to get the best taste of Maggi and Pizza, you can try Pizza Maggi recipe at home in minutes.

This recipe of Maggi Pizza is not only wonderful to look at, but it is also very tasty to eat. Not only this, making Maggi Pizza is also very easy. Please tell that through this one recipe, you can enjoy two different things together. Let’s know about this recipe for making Maggi Pizza, which has been shared by Instagram user (@picklesandwine) on his Instagram account.

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Ingredients for Maggi Pizza
Two packets Maggi, one teaspoon butter, two teaspoons finely chopped onion, one teaspoon finely chopped garlic, two teaspoons finely chopped capsicum, two green chilies finely chopped, quarter teaspoon black pepper powder, one cup milk, two teaspoons fresh Take cream, one teaspoon grated cheese, half teaspoon mix herbs, half teaspoon chili flakes, one packet Maggi tastemaker, two teaspoon pizza sauce, one big slice cheese, salt as per taste and water as required.

Maggi Pizza Recipe
First of all, boil Maggi in some plain water for two minutes. Keep in mind that there should not be any water left in Maggi. After this, keep Maggi aside and put a pan on the gas and heat it by adding butter. When the butter melts, add onion, garlic, green chilies and capsicum to it. Now add salt and black pepper to it and fry it for a minute or two.

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Then add milk and cream to it and mix well. Now add mixed herbs and chili flakes to it and after a few seconds add Maggi tastemaker and pizza sauce as well. After this, add boiled Maggi to it and mix it well. Finally put a big slice of cheese and some mix herbs and turn off the gas. Your Pizza Maggi with double taste is ready.

Tags: food, Food Recipe, instagram videos, Lifestyle

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