Enjoy the fun of Mars while living on Earth and also earn big money! Unique job started here, cigarette smokers should stay away

NASA Jobs: Many people dream of going to space, but only a select few are able to fulfill this dream, because it is a very difficult and expensive task. But for people interested in space, a great job opportunity has come, in which they can enjoy Mars while staying on Earth. Besides, they will also get a chance to earn good money. But some conditions will also have to be fulfilled for this, information about which is being shared here.

This unique job has been created by NASA. Actually, NASA is working on a plan to build houses for humans to live on Mars. Under this, the space agency will first build a fake house on Earth to give the feel of Mars, in which humans will be kept and tested. Its name is Simulated Mars Habitat. Searching for participants to live in this house

Mars will be fully realized
According to NASA, four people will live in the 1,700 square foot Mars simulation. The name of the mission is Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog, CHAPEA. It is housed in a 3D-printed Mars habitat at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. This habitat, like real life on Mars, will have limited resources. In the simulation, people will go on a simulated space walk and will have to maintain habitats, grow crops and work with robotics.

Chance is till 2nd April
This ground mission will start in 2025 and those who are interested have time till April 2 to apply. As eligibility for the mission, the age of the candidate should be between 30 to 55 years, and the person should be a US citizen or permanent resident. Apart from this, the participant should know English and should be a non-smoker. Applicants must also have experience working in STEM, including a master’s degree in engineering, mathematics, biology, or other sciences, and professional experience or at least two years of doctoral work in these fields or conducting a training pilot program. Preference will be given to those. Or, if you have 1,000 hours of piloting experience, that may also qualify you. And if you have military experience or a graduate degree in a STEM field and 4 years of professional experience, this can also make you eligible. Stipend will also be given to those selected for the mission.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, job news, NASA, Weird news

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