Entertainment Between Studies Is Very Important For Board Exams 2024 Preparation CBSE Exams 2024 Tips

Entertainment Between Board Exam Preparation: Nowadays winter holidays are going on and at this time students must have started preparing for their board exams in full swing. They want to utilize this time in such a way that maximum syllabus is covered. However, in such a situation, sometimes just studying creates a very boring environment. The mind starts getting bored and stops understanding what is read. In such a situation, the question arises that how important is entertainment along with studies.

How important is entertainment?

Know that many studies have shown that breaks or entertainment in between studies is very important. If you keep reading continuously without stopping, then a condition arises when the brain becomes numb. You read but neither understand nor remember what you read. So the first important thing is to keep doing regular entertainment in between studies.

There should be a schedule for this too

Just like there is a time-table for studies, similarly make a schedule for entertainment and include it in your routine. Along with how many hours you will study, also keep in mind how many minutes you will spend in entertainment. What will we do during this time and how will this time be best utilised.

stay away from social media

If you are among those select students who are not distracted by social media, then use it, otherwise keep distance from it. You will sit thinking for ten minutes and you won’t even realize when half an hour will pass. Experts also believe that it is good for students to stay away from social media.

Leaves visual impact on the mind

The problem with social media is that you see it only for a short time but it leaves a long lasting impact on the mind. The visuals of the material you watch stay in your mind and disturb you even after switching off the phone or TV.

decide in advance what to do

Decide in advance what you will do during the break. Many times it happens that the child plans a break of 15 minutes and is unable to understand what to do in the first ten minutes. You can do entertainment during this time as per your wish and choice.

These are the options

You can go for a walk, talk to friends. Can talk to parents. Can do cooking. You can listen to music, listen to a podcast or follow whatever method you like.

how many breaks in a day

How many breaks to take throughout the day depends on your study capacity, but try not to take more than one long break in a day. This breaks the rhythm of studies and affects concentration. Short breaks refresh you and keep you connected to your studies. Try not to take a break in between any particular topic and complete it first.

Don’t forget the entertainment

Taking breaks from reading keeps the mind fresh and not only one understands quickly but also remembers what one has read for a longer period of time. The grasping capacity of the brain increases and a five-minute break makes the next 35 minutes fruitful. Be sure to take short to long breaks. Study but do not leave going out with friends, watching movies, going for outings somewhere else.

discipline is important

Along with entertainment, discipline is also important. When you think of taking such a long break, do not let it extend under any circumstances. Do not choose any activity such that the break should be for half an hour and become one hour. Entertainment is important but along with it discipline is also very important.

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