Etiquette and Gesture of meeting how to impress someone while meeting

Meeting Etickets: It is said that people may or may not remember who was their friend or whose friends they were. Whom did he love and whom did he spend time with? But people remember how someone made them feel. How did they feel after spending a few moments with someone and what did they like or remember and what did they like about the other person so much that they thought of adopting that habit.

Let’s take a look at what our words or body language impact when meeting someone and what gestures we should take care of.

Adopt these hacks while meeting:-

1. Steeple your hands

It projects an image of intelligence and confidence. This will make you appear more interesting and trustworthy. This works best in more formal environments, use it when talking to elders and watch your credibility skyrocket. You can also do this when someone is saying something important to you, as it makes you look very attentive and shows the next person that they have your complete and undivided attention.

2. Posture is important

Look relaxed and stress free by standing straight in a positive posture. Sit straight and feel light. Posture is people’s first impression about you. Apart from making you more attractive, it will also make you feel more confident.

3. The art of shaking hands

Shaking hands tells a lot about your personality. Handshake is gentle, firm and soft. Use firm pressure, but don’t hold the other person’s hand too tightly. Make eye contact when you shake hands, as looking away shows disrespect or a timid attitude. Finally, look someone in the eye during the handshake and smile as if you see something in their eyes that makes you happy.

4. Control playfulness during conversation

Being too playful during a meeting makes you appear irritable, uncomfortable or childish. Don’t move around too much during a serious conversation. Constant gesturing will make you appear anxious and over-excited. Instead, simply fix your gaze on the listener and show them that you are paying complete attention to what is happening.

5. Make you feel special

People are very conscious of how you react to them. When you meet someone new, turn your body completely towards them and give them your complete and undivided attention, just as you would a child. This tells them that they are important to you and that you really care about talking to them. In short, it makes them feel very special.

6. Eye contact is most important

When meeting in a group, you should occasionally look at the person you’re interested in, even if someone else is talking. If your attention is drawn to the person even when they are just listening, you are showing that you are very interested in their reaction. However, doing this repeatedly may be uncomfortable. You should not look at them for a long time. Instead, you should look intently at the speaker, but allow your gaze to wander to your target as the speaker makes interesting points.

7. Make people feel comfortable when you meet

bollywood star Shahrukh Khan Have mastered this art. When you meet someone for the first time, make them feel like they are your old friends. This will cause your subconscious to process in certain ways, relaxing your entire body, softening your eyes and healing your toes. These changes will seem more friendly and easy to you.

8. One way also

Don’t flash a big smile immediately after being introduced to someone, or avoid opening up to them right away. This makes them feel that anyone in your sight will get the same smile. Instead you should focus on their face, then pause for a second and then let a big, natural smile appear on your face. This technique makes people believe that you are genuinely happy to meet them.

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