Even the old will become young again! What did the scientists find that would reverse the ‘age’

Research On Aging Effect: Everyone always wants to look beautiful and stay young. For this, thousands of types of beauty products come in the market. Ads of products claiming to show these young are installed everywhere. However, they do not have any significant effect because the age of a person keeps on increasing every day. But after a long research, scientists have got success in reducing age. Yes, you read absolutely right. In this joint research of Harvard Medical School and Boston University, some scientists did something in their experiment, which reduces the age and makes the skin look young and shiny as before, not only the skin but also the youth like agility. This research was also published in the scientific journal Cell.

Scientists currently did this experiment on rats, in which they got success. In such a situation, if this research of these experts is to be believed, then maybe after some time even a 50-year-old person will be able to get back the same age-old glow on the skin and as strong as a 30-year-old youth. Let us know the interesting information related to this research…

aging is a reversible process
Researcher David Sinclair says that age Reversible process, with which it is possible to tamper. Till now it was believed that age changes appear when the cells become sluggish, but this research seems to negate this theory. In new research from Harvard Medical School, scientists have succeeded in making old and weak-sighted mice young again. The surprising thing is that this process can also be reversed, that is, it is also possible to make a young person old before time.

how to make mice young
The name of this research published in Cell is Loss of Epigenetic Information as Cause of Mammalian Aging. Researcher Sinclair believes that aging is actually the result of cells not being able to read their own DNA properly. This research lasted for almost a year. During this, cells of human adult skin were inserted in old and weak-sighted mice, so that within a few days they could The rats became well worth watching. Later, brain, muscle and kidney cells were also made young in the same way. However, this research was done on a very small group of rats, so scientists are excited, but they are not yet sure that this method will be equally effective on humans. However, scientists are doing research on this.

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