Evidence of life found on Mars? NASA’s rover made an important discovery, know about it

Life On Mars: Claims of life on Mars have been made often. Some talk about life on Mars, while others have also talked about this planet having its own atmosphere. However, NASA’s recent claims are shocking. In fact, NASA recently sent the Curiosity Rover to Mars.

The Times of India report claimed that the Curiosity Rover has found evidence of life on Mars. Although NASA has not confirmed anything in this regard yet, NASA has been investigating life on Mars for a long time.

Exploring Chewaya Falls Rock

NASA’s Curiosity rover has discovered the Chewaya Falls rock. This discovery shows that there was ancient life on Mars. On May 30, 2024, the Curiosity rover also discovered fascinating yellow sulfur crystals on Mars.

It is also claimed that structures like iron and sulphur have been found which are extremely important for life. Let us tell you that yellow surfer crystals were never found on Mars before. Although NASA’s Curiosity Rover was exploring the Geddes Vallis Channel, it also found yellow sulphur during this time.

accidentally broke a rock

It is also being said in many reports that NASA’s Curiosity Rover accidentally broke a rock from which pure sulfur crystals started coming out. The important thing is that pure sulfur is released during volcanic and hydrothermal activities on Earth. The presence of pure sulfur crystals indicates biological activities.

arrow shaped rock

The rock that broke off from NASA’s Curiosity rover was 3.2 feet long. During this time, the rover also found hematite and pig white calcium sulphate vinylate. Many scientists believe that the essential elements were formed when water flowed here.

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