Excavation was going on in the field, then something like this was seen inside the ground, 80 years old secret was revealed

Sometimes treasure is found while digging the land, and sometimes things of historical importance are found. But while digging a field near a small town in Poland, some such things came out that even archaeologists were shocked to see them. An 80-year-old secret was revealed, which people would not have even imagined. Even the local people could not believe that such a thing was hidden inside the field for so many years.

The case is of Chojnice Town in Poland. During the excavation here, archaeologists found a mass grave. It was revealed that during the Second World War, the Nazis had shot more than 100 people together. And their bodies were buried at this place. For this reason, archaeologists called this place Death Valley. Researchers said that all the people killed were from a psychiatric hospital, who were shot by German officials in late October 1939.

Graves of mentally challenged people
Archaeologist David Kobialka told the Daily Mail that this is the grave of mentally challenged people. And perhaps for the first time in the world, so many mentally challenged people have been found together. Many of them did not even have clothes on their body, they were only wearing pyjamas. Only one button was found in the grave, none of their personal belongings were found either. But heaps of shells and bullets were found next to the bodies. Archaeologists said, we have been able to dig only half of the grave so far. Historical data shows that 218 people were killed in a few days and their bodies were hidden in a mass grave. In 1939, mentally challenged people were killed at many places in Pomerania. But in 1944, almost all of these places were destroyed. When the Germans dug out the graves and bodies, they also burned the mentally ill people among other things. At present, this is the only mass grave left.

Hitler hated people who were mentally ill
German dictator Adolf Hitler hated mentally ill people. That is why in October 1939, he started a campaign named ‘Aktion T-4’. Then mentally ill people were killed en masse. This is also called involuntary euthanasia. Later in September 1939, when Hitler captured Poland, mass murders were also done there. Poland’s investigator General Andrzej Pozdorski said, we have seen bullet marks on some skulls. Which had gone through. The process of removing the remains is still going on. Evidence shows that they were brought here at the end of October 1939, shot. The bodies were buried and the ground was leveled so that no one could find it.

Tags: Amazing news, The news has hit the, Weird news

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