Eye Infection: Do not make these mistakes in case of eye infection or irritation, instead take special care like this

The problem of eye infection often occurs due to change in weather. Initially it starts with normal itching and burning but later it spreads to both the eyes. Due to which many problems start. This infection is caused by bacteria or some specific type of infection. This can happen to people of any age. If you are also experiencing such problems in your eyes, then you should consult a doctor without wasting time. 

Whenever there is an infection in the eyes, one should avoid going out because it can increase the itching of the eyes. No medicine should be used in the eyes without doctor’s advice. Use lukewarm water to keep your eyes clean. Also, clean the dirt accumulated on the eyes with light hands. When there is an infection in the eyes, the eyes become red. Due to which itching and many other symptoms appear. 

Do not make these mistakes if you have eye infection

In case of eye infection, avoid going to public places. If necessary, go wearing glasses only. Also reduce the use of hands on the eyes. 

Avoid shaking hands or touching outsiders. Stop children from doing this too. 

Keep using sanitizer at a time gap. And keep washing hands every hour. 

For eye care, wash eyes with clean water every hour and then use eye wipes. 

Eye drops should be used from time to time to remove dirt from the eyes. 

Do not share towel, pillow, clothes, bedsheet, glasses and eye makeup with others. 

Avoid rubbing or itching the eyes repeatedly. When eyes start itching, sprinkle them with cold water

If you want to avoid eye flu, then take care of your eyes in this way

Eyes are very sensitive. If we want to avoid air pollution, there is a need to take special care of the eyes. Today we will tell you some special tips for eye care. 

If you want to avoid eye flu, keep cleaning your hands from time to time so that the infection does not increase further. 

Avoid getting wet in rain or bathing in swimming pool

Avoid coming in contact with a person who has eye flu

Clean contact lenses properly.

If you go out, use eye wipes so that dirt does not enter the eyes.

Use Vitamin A, B and C in your diet. Drink lots of water. Use more vitamins in food. 

If you want to protect yourself from sunlight, dust and mud, use goggles. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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