Eyes and kidneys have a special connection, one can judge the health of the other.

Kidney And Eyes: Kidney diseases are spreading rapidly. Its risk has been seen to be higher in the problem of diabetes and high blood pressure. Researchers say that chronic kidney disease (CKD) is emerging as a silent epidemic. Millions of people around the world are affected by it. According to health experts, if the symptoms of kidney problems are identified in time, they can be treated. There may be problems related to urine. However, in a recent study, researchers said that symptoms of kidney failure are also seen in the eyes.

Kidney problems are visible in the eyes

Researchers from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland conducted a study to know about the symptoms of kidney diseases. He found that kidney problems could be easily detected by examining the eyes. If there is any problem in the kidneys, the effect becomes visible on the retina. Not only this, in serious conditions, clots start forming behind the retina. Kidney disease can be detected by such changes visible in the eyes.

What does the study report say?

The study found that there is a connection between kidneys and eyes. Kidney problems can be detected on the basis of changes in the retina and choroid, i.e. the layer of blood vessels behind the retina. Using an imaging technique called optical coherence tomography (OCT), the researchers discovered that the retina and choroid were much thinner in patients with CKD than in healthy people. OCT technology is available in all eye clinics, through which one can determine whether there is a problem with the eyes as well as the kidneys.

What is the relation between eyes and kidneys?

In this report, the researchers said that there are many relationships between eyes and kidneys. Both are heavily dependent on small blood vessels for their work. These delicate vessels in the eyes work to nourish the retina. At the same time, it forms a filtration system in the kidneys, which works to clean the blood. In serious health problems like CKD, when blood vessels get damaged, it can lead to eye problems. Researchers said that this study shows that by keeping kidney health better, eyes can be made healthy.

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