Fake University: How to recognize a fraudulent university? 5 important things to know if a university is fake or real

In such a situation, before taking admission, know whether the college, course, university or institute where you have gone for admission is recognized or not. Is there any attempt being made to deceive you by showing beautiful websites?

The first and most important way is to check accreditation i.e. to see if the university is recognized or not. In India, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) works for this. An accredited institute gives the first and biggest information about accreditation in its display.

UGC releases the list of fake universities every year. You can also check from here whether the place where you are going to take admission is fake or not. For this, visit ugc.ac.in and go to the universities column and see if the name of your university is there or not.

It is very important to check the license and approval. If you are not taking admission in a university but going to an institute or private college, then definitely check its license and approval. Proceed only after checking whether their courses are recognized and the degrees there are valid or not.

Affiliation may vary according to the field, but a valid college, institution, university will either be affiliated or recognized by any of the following: UGC, MHRD, AICTE or MCI.

Visit the website and see what information they have provided about their college and how much they have hidden and how much they have revealed. See the standard of the faculty there, where they have studied from. Check the alumni, check the ranking of the university, check their placement record and only then take admission.

Published at : 27 Jun 2024 04:03 PM (IST)

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