Family sent wedding card to relatives, got such a thing printed, people started fainting after reading it!

Marriage is a big event for every family. In India, a family invests its entire life’s earnings for marriage. During this time, people also invite their relatives whom they have not met for a long time. That is, in a way, marriage becomes like a get together for people. Attractive cards are printed to invite people to the wedding. Care is taken from its design to its format.

These days, a wedding card printed by a family from Bikaner is in discussion on social media. This card is being discussed for a unique reason. Neither any kind of poetry has been written in this card nor is there any kind of mistake. Actually, this card has been printed by a joint family. And seventeen brothers and sisters in this family are going to get married together.

card filled with name of bride and groom
This unique case has come to light from Nokha area of ​​Bikaner. Twelve grooms arrived here with a wedding procession on Tuesday. A day before this, a wedding procession of five cousins ​​had taken place here. That means there were seventeen marriages from the same family. Surjaram Godara, who lives in the village, married seventeen grandchildren together to set an example of his joint family. For this, everyone’s names were written in the card printed by the family. The entire card was filled with the names of the bride and groom.

Example of saving
Actually, this family wanted to set an example before the people. By organizing everyone’s weddings together, he saved a lot on food expenses. He also got the same wedding card printed. One day five granddaughters got married and the next day twelve grandsons got married. This marriage is being discussed far and wide. Also, now this wedding card is going viral on social media. The entire card was filled with the names written in it. People are surprised to see the picture of this card and the smile on their faces is not diminishing.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Bikaner news, Marriage news, Shocking news, unique wedding, Weird news

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