Farmers Must to do these work during Rice Cultivation Farming Agri India Shivraj Singh Chauhan

Rice Cultivation Tips: Paddy is cultivated on a large scale in India. Farmers depend on paddy cultivation on a large scale. If you also grow paddy in your field, then this news is very useful for you. You have to take care of some important things while cultivating it for good yield, otherwise you may suffer a big loss, let’s know what the farmer brothers have to do.

Preparation of field

  • Before sowing paddy, the land should be plowed well so that the soil becomes friable and can absorb water well.
  • By leveling the field, water gets distributed evenly and water does not accumulate in the field.
  • Before sowing, the weeds growing in the field should be destroyed so that they do not deprive the paddy crop of nutrients and water.

Seed selection

  • Select improved varieties of paddy that are suitable for the climate and soil of your area.
  • Treat the seeds with fungicide to avoid seed borne diseases.


  • The time of sowing paddy varies according to the region. Therefore, sow at the favorable time.
  • Sow the seeds at the proper depth. Sowing too deep or too shallow can damage the crop.


  • Paddy crop needs regular water supply. So irrigate on time.
  • Always maintain the water level in the field. There should neither be too much water nor too less.

Manures and Fertilizers

Paddy crop requires proper amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, use balanced manure and fertilizers. Apply fertilizers at the right time.

Pest and disease control is extremely important

  • Inspect the crop regularly and identify pest and disease infestations.
  • Use appropriate insecticides and fungicides to control pests and diseases.

Timely harvesting

When the crop is ready, harvest the paddy crop and then sell it in the market. Farmer brothers, it is very important to consult the local agriculture department for paddy cultivation.

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