Father died of cancer, daughter lived under this illusion for years, when mother told the truth the ground slipped under her feet!

Every child wants to look like their parents, behave like them, adopt their lifestyle and live their life with their parents. But there is always a void in the lives of people whose parents pass away at an early age. There was a similar emptiness in the life of America’s Tiffany, who felt that her father (Woman real father alive) had died due to cancer when she was only 4 years old. His mother told him this all his life. But when he came to know the truth about his father, the ground slipped beneath his feet.

According to the report of Mirror website, Tiffany Gardner, living in Atlanta, Georgia, was an ordinary girl who used to miss her real father a lot. Miss because her father died when she was 4 years old. Mother had told that father had cancer. Mother remarried and Tiffany also loved her stepfather very much. But she always felt how similar she was to her real father.

Truth about father revealed
In 2018, shortly before Tiffany’s 36th birthday, her mother told her the truth. Her mother revealed that the man whom Tiffany considered her real father was her mother’s first husband, but he was also not Tiffany’s father. Tiffany was born through sperm donation, that is, her mother gave birth to her by taking the sperm of an unknown person. But the woman’s first husband did not want anyone to know that Tiffany was not his daughter. Tiffany was born in 1982. When Tiffany learned about this, she understood her mother’s helplessness, but she also felt that she should have told her about it in her childhood.

Tiffany is 41 years old
Tiffany got a commercial DNA test done and she was matched with a man who was the son of her real biological father. There was a DNA match between the two and then it was revealed that her real biological father was alive. Somehow he got to know that person and expressed his desire to meet him. The person initially did not want to meet due to pressure from his family, but then he contacted. But the man’s family did not like that he met Tiffany, so they stopped all contact. Tiffany is now 41 years old and has 3 sons. It has been 17 years since their marriage. Since then she has been advocating that the identity of the sperm donor should no longer be hidden in a country like America.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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