Fatty food items can increase anxiety, research reveals a shocking fact, stay away from them today

Causes of Anxiety: It is often seen that people who suffer from depression or anxiety, whenever they get worried, they start eating extra. In which they first eat chocolate, cake or donut, which gives them instant energy and boosts their mood.

Apart from this, some people consume unhealthy food items like junk food. But recent research has revealed that consuming fatty food items can actually increase our anxiety. Let us tell you about this research and tell you how this fatty food can affect you.

what does research say
Recently, a research was conducted at Colorado Boulder University, which revealed that consuming fatty food items can increase our anxiety. This research, done on rats, found that these foods can mess with the intestinal bacteria, which causes changes in the chemicals in the brain and increases anxiety. According to research, a person suffering from depression and anxiety consumes up to 36% fatty food items in his regular diet.

These fatty food items can increase the risk of anxiety
Fatty food items such as donuts, burgers, chips, fries, junk food or fast food come under unhealthy fatty foods, which not only increase your weight but if consumed continuously, it can also increase the problem of anxiety and depression.

Not only this, eating too much chocolate can also trigger anxiety, you can eat a small piece of dark chocolate instead of simple chocolate. Instead of these things, in case of anxiety or stress, you can consume seeds, nuts, seafood, food items rich in omega 3 fatty acids. These relax your mood and help in reducing the level of anxiety.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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