Fatty liver poses a risk ranging from diabetes to heart attack read full article in hindi

Taking the problem of fatty liver lightly can prove to be dangerous. This one disease can cause many other diseases. There is a risk of everything from diabetes to heart attack due to fatty liver. Therefore, know in time how dangerous fatty liver is for you and what diseases can occur due to it.

Nowadays most of the people are troubled by the problem of fatty liver. Even if you go to the doctor, he says that 8 out of every 10 people have fatty liver. But taking fatty liver lightly can prove to be dangerous for your health. Bad lifestyle is considered to be the cause of fatty liver. In which unhealthy food, less workout and excessive consumption of alcohol and cigarettes causes the problem of fatty liver. Fatty liver is not just a disease but it is like a spider web in which all the parts of our body get trapped one by one. Know how fatty liver affects the function of heart, kidney and brain.

How dangerous is fatty liver? India’s renowned gastroenterology specialist Dr. Sarin says that if there is more than 5 percent fat in the liver, then understand that there is a problem of fatty liver. Now it is important to understand the meaning of fatty liver. There is a cell in the liver that digests whatever you eat with insulin and converts sugar into energy. If there is fat in the liver, insulin has difficulty entering the cell. In such a situation, the body has to work harder and the body needs more insulin. For this, the pancreas will have to work harder. When the pancreas will make more insulin every day for 5-10 years.

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Cause of fatty liver diabetes and high cholesterol

Gradually the pancreas which makes insulin gets tired. If insulin does not reach the cells, then the person will not get energy. Fatty liver is the cause of diabetes and high cholesterol. When the pancreas gets tired and is unable to make insulin, then you will become a victim of diabetes. Therefore, diabetes is a liver related disease. When the liver gets filled with fat due to fatty liver, then the cholesterol in your blood starts increasing. Some people start taking medicines to reduce cholesterol.

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Fatty liver increases the risk of heart attack and stroke

But the question is why there is high cholesterol in the blood? When your liver is filled with fat, that fat goes into your blood. The same fat keeps circulating in your blood. When that fat gets deposited in the arteries, the arteries start hardening. Then you get blood pressure disease. If this fat gets deposited in the heart, you can get a heart attack. If this fat gets deposited in the brain, it can cause a risk of brain stroke. If the fat goes into the gall bladder, stones are formed there. If the fat goes into the kidney, the kidney function is affected. Therefore, fatty liver is the main root of all the diseases that develop in the body.

How to keep the liver healthy?

To keep the liver healthy, do exercise for 1 hour daily. This improves the function of the liver and keeps the body healthy. To make the liver healthy, eat fiber-rich foods. Include green vegetables in the diet. Always eat a little less than your hunger. Stay away from alcohol and cigarettes. This has a bad effect on the liver.

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