fitness tips roti or rice which is better for weight loss in hindi

Roti vs Rice for Weight Loss: Roti and rice are an important part of our diet. There has been a debate for a long time about which of the two is better. Experts say that whatever we eat, we get energy from it. Eating both roti and rice in limited quantity is considered good but the biggest dilemma for those who want to lose weight is whether to eat roti or rice to lose weight. Because some people believe that roti reduces weight and rice increases it. Know what is the truth in this…

Myth: Does eating roti reduce weight?

Fact: Many dieticians believe that whole wheat roti is rich in fiber, magnesium, potassium and calcium. It is a good source of protein. People have a misconception that roti increases weight because it contains more carbohydrates but this is not the truth. If two rotis are eaten in a day, then weight does not increase. However, some special things should be taken care of for this. Before making roti of wheat flour, bran, sprouts and husk should not be removed. All its nutrients will be beneficial only when the kneaded flour also contains bran, sprouts and husk.

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Myth: Can rice increase weight?

Fact: People are often advised to eat less rice because it increases weight. Thin people get this question almost everyday, so the question arises whether eating rice can increase weight. Experts say that since rice is easily digested after eating, it can help in gaining weight. The body also absorbs the nutrients present in rice very easily, which affects the weight. If someone likes to eat dal-rice or eats khichdi made from it, then his weight can increase.

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Roti or rice which is better for weight loss

According to dieticians, if you want to lose weight, you should avoid eating easily digestible foods, because the body absorbs such foods easily and makes you feel hungry very quickly. If both roti and rice are not eaten in the right quantity, they increase weight. Since rice is digested quickly and increases calories quickly, it leads to more weight gain and roti is digested slowly, so it is considered good for losing weight.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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