Fitness Tips Weight Loss Exercises For Women At Home In Hindi

Weight Loss: Weight gain is becoming a big problem today. The biggest reason for this is deteriorating lifestyle and wrong eating habits. Many people sweat for hours in the gym to lose weight, but it is not possible for women to find time for the gym. In such a situation, they can lose weight by staying at home. Today we have brought some easy exercises for them, which can be done daily by taking out some time and can help them lose weight quickly. Let us know…

jogging and running

Jogging and running are very good exercises for losing weight. Women can lose weight by including this workout in their daily routine. This exercise reduces visceral fat and reduces weight rapidly. You can do this easily anywhere. This also cures heart diseases.


Apart from strengthening the legs, squats also reduce the fat around the waist and stomach. This also provides relief from back pain. However, before starting it, expert advice must be taken. If you have knee pain then you should avoid squats. This exercise reduces weight rapidly. Women can easily do this while staying at home.

bridge pose

Bridge pose yoga is especially beneficial in removing many problems related to waist and back. By doing this daily, the back, glutes, legs and ankles become stronger. Along with this, the muscles of chest, heart and hip remain healthy. This yoga has no help in reducing weight. Experts also advise women to do this yoga every day. With this, fat gets removed quickly and the body becomes fit.

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