Five countries of the world where only one percent Hindu population is left know the population of Muslims

Hindu population: There are some countries including India, Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka, where the population of Hindus is more than other religions, but there are many countries in the world where the population of Hindus is less than one percent. Pakistan and Bangladesh are two such countries where the number of Hindus has decreased rapidly, but now both these countries have more than one percent Hindu population. These two countries are discussed more because at the time of partition of India, there were a large number of Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh, but gradually the number decreased. On the other hand, the number of Muslims has increased rapidly in India.

Currently, according to, the population of Hindus in Pakistan is only 1.9 percent, while the population of Hindus in Bangladesh is 8.2 percent. Today we will talk about five such countries where the population of Hindus is less than 1 percent. Afghanistan is such a country in the world where the population of Hindus is less than 1 percent, while the population of Muslims in Afghanistan is 99 percent. Similarly, in Algeria too, the population of Hindus is less than 1 percent, while the population of Muslims is 97.9 percent. Here the number of people who believe in Christianity is also 1 percent.

In these countries the population of Hindus is less than 1 percent
Argentina is a country where the population of both Hindus and Muslims is less than 1 percent, while the number of people following Christianity here is more than 85 percent. In Australia too, the population of Hindus is less than 1 percent, while the number of Muslims in this country is more than 6 percent and the Christian population is 78.4 percent. Apart from this, in Belgium too, the Hindu population is less than 1 percent, here it is 7.5 percent and the number of people following Christianity is 60.5 percent.

These five countries of the world have the highest Hindu population
If we talk about the five Hindu majority countries, then it includes Nepal, India, Mauritius, Bhutan and Sri Lanka. 80.6 percent of Nepal’s population is Hindu. 78.9 percent of India’s population is Hindu. Whereas in Mauritius, 48.40 percent of the population is Hindu. Apart from this, there are 22.50 percent Hindus in Bhutan, while 13.70 percent Hindus in Sri Lanka. Apart from this, there are either Muslim majority countries or Christian majority countries in the whole world. The population of Muslims is increasing the fastest in the whole world. At present, if we talk about the population on the basis of religion, then the number of people following Christianity is the highest, followed by Muslims and then people following Hinduism.

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