Five important points you should know to control aging or reverse biological age

How can we control ageing?Due to the constantly deteriorating lifestyle, people are rapidly moving towards old age before their age. However, there is no doubt that old age brings with it many diseases. It may seem a bit strange to think about, but if you think carefully, you will understand that deadly diseases like cancer, heart disease and dementia make the elderly their victims more than the youth.

If we look at the statistics, 1.5 lakh deaths occur every day across the world, out of which more than 1 lakh deaths are caused by aging. These are the diseases that can be fatal, but if we look at other everyday problems, then many problems like weakness, amnesia or joint pain are also caused by old age. Although aging is a natural process that cannot be stopped, but aging can be avoided despite increasing age. After all, what does science say about this and how can you stay healthy even with increasing age, let’s know.

Control on diet

Whether you want to stay healthy or protect yourself from aging, your diet works the most. Control over diet is the secret to staying fit which has been in practice not just from today but for thousands of years. Let us tell you that in the year 1930, an experiment was conducted on rats in which it was found that rats who were given a certain amount of food lived longer than their counterparts who had no restrictions on their food. This research in itself is enough to tell that controlling diet is the secret to living long and staying young.

Rejuvenation of the thymus

Just behind your chest bone and in front of your heart is a small organ called your thymus, which works to produce immune cells. In scientific terms, the decline of thymus means becoming more sensitive to infection with age, that is, if the thymus is small, then the risk of flu and virus increases in the elderly with age. However, there are many ways to correct the decline of thymus, including Jainism and therapy and stem cells and many types of medicines are also available, which will increase your age but you will not grow old with age.

Microbiome can reduce the effects of aging

Recent research has shown that the microbiome is as important for our body as any other part of the body. Professor Meng Wang of Baylor College of Medicine, USA, is trying to find out through research whether the effects of aging can be reduced through the microbiome. According to scientists, very soon through research, such chemicals will be prepared with the help of which aging cells can be rejuvenated and existing cells can be prevented from aging.

Ghee is a medicine to stop old age

There are many health benefits of eating ghee. Some people stop consuming ghee while planning to lose weight, but Ayurveda considers ghee to be the best diet to keep you young. In such a situation, if you want to see yourself young for a long time and do not want white hair, then consume ghee. Mixing it in a glass of lukewarm water and drinking it regularly on an empty stomach reduces weight. Drinking it daily speeds up metabolism and eating a spoonful of desi ghee on an empty stomach also keeps the hair black.

Exercise or take a walk

The best and most effective way to slow down the aging process is to exercise. A research published in Aging Cell found that people who exercise or walk throughout their lives have better physical development. Cholesterol levels remain low and immunity is strong.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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