flag hoisting before independence day know what are the rules regarding it

Rules For Flag Hoisting: This year India will celebrate its 78th anniversary of independence. India got independence from British rule on 15th August in 1947. On 15th August, there is a Diwali like atmosphere in the whole country. It seems as if a festival is being celebrated. Whichever office you pass by, you see the national flag fluttering there. There are functions in schools and in colleges.

Different types of programs are organized in different offices. The whole country celebrates Independence Day with great pomp and show. People are also seen hoisting the flag outside their homes. Many people hoist the flag even before 15 August. But do you know the rules of hoisting the flag? Can the flag really be hoisted before 15 August or 26 January? So let us tell you the rules related to this.

The flag can be hoisted before 15 August

The Indian flag is also called the tricolor. Every Indian not only has respect and love for it. But there are also some rules and regulations for hoisting it. Which every person who hoists the flag has to follow. Disrespecting the Indian flag is a legal offense. The Indian Flag Code was implemented in the year 2002.

Some rules were fixed in it which were made for hoisting the flag. Before the implementation of this code, the flag could be hoisted only on 15 August and 26 January. But after this, any person can hoist the flag with full respect in his house or anywhere else by following the rules.

Now you can hoist the flag even after sunset

According to the rules of the Indian Flag Code, earlier any person or any institution could hoist the flag only before sunset. But on 20 July 2022, by amending the Indian Flag Code 2002 and the Prevention of Insults to National Pride Act 1971, the time limit for hoisting the flag has now been removed, that is, now any person, institution, organization can hoist the flag anytime day or night by following the rules. But during this time you will have to follow all the rules related to respect for the flag.

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