Follow these measures to increase the immunity of newborns read full article in hindi

The body of a newborn baby is very delicate from inside and its immune system is not fully developed. This is the reason why they easily become victims of infections and diseases. To keep a newborn baby healthy, it is very important to strengthen his immunity. When the immunity is strong, the child is not only protected from seasonal diseases, but his physical and mental development also improves.

Strengthen the immunity of new born baby in this way

Especially during the changing seasons and winter, special precautions need to be taken to protect the baby from diseases. In this article, we will tell you how you can strengthen the immunity of your newborn baby and what measures you should adopt for this. Here are 5 effective measures which will not only keep your baby away from diseases but will also help in keeping him healthy.

1. Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is complete nutrition for the baby. The antibodies present in it help protect the baby from infection. Colostrum, called the first milk after delivery, acts as an immunity booster. It contains vitamins and antibodies in abundance. The baby should be fed only mother’s milk for at least 6 months.

2. Cleanliness
The body of a newborn baby is sensitive to infection. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the cleanliness of their skin, clothes and surrounding environment. Clean baby’s toys and other essentials regularly. In this way you can increase the immunity of your child.

3. Maintain the right temperature
Newborn babies react quickly to cold and heat. Keeping them at the right temperature strengthens their immunity. Dress them in warm and soft clothes during cold weather. If you are taking your baby outside, cover him with layers of clothes to protect him from the cold wind.

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4. Vaccination
Vaccinating the child on time increases his immunity. It protects them from measles, chickenpox and other serious diseases. Be sure to check the vaccination schedule with your doctor. During winter, vaccines act as a protective shield to protect your child from infections.

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5. Nutrient-rich food
When the baby turns 6 months old, introduce him to nutrient-rich solid foods, such as fruits, vegetables and grains. This increases their physical development as well as their immunity. Increasing the immunity of a newborn baby is important for his better health and development. You can keep your child away from diseases through mother’s milk, cleanliness, vaccination and proper care.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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