Food Diet Change Combined With Medicines May Reduce Seizures Risk By Half Claims AIIMS Study

Seizure Attack: According to a study by researchers at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), a modified ‘Atkins diet’ that is high in fat and low in carbohydrates and taking medication can significantly reduce the frequency of seizures in people with epilepsy. According to research, the modified Atkins diet is a combination of the Atkins diet and the ketogenic diet, which includes food items such as soy products, cream, oil and butter, green leafy vegetables and animal proteins including eggs, chicken, fish and bacon. Researchers said that the ketogenic diet has been shown to be effective in reducing epileptic seizures. However, it can be a bit difficult to follow the abstinence associated with it.

Manjari Tripathi, associated with Delhi-based AIIMS, says that for patients with epilepsy who are not responding to drugs or who have been unable to find effective drugs to reduce epileptic seizures, it is full of excitement to see that Lifestyle changes can be combined with standard drug therapy to reduce the number of seizures. Manjari, the writer of this study published in the journal ‘Neurology’, says that our study has found that this combination can significantly reduce the risk of seizures.

In this study, 160 adults and people under 18 years of age were included. On an average, they had epilepsy problem for more than 10 years. These people had at least 27 seizures per month, despite taking four doses of anti-seizure drugs. They were randomly assigned to receive either standard drug therapy alone or medication and a modified Atkins diet over 6 months. The people in the study recorded details of their epileptic seizures and meals.

26 percent people obeyed

They were given a diet list, sample menu and recipes. Carbohydrate intake was limited to 20 grams daily. The US federal Dietary Guidelines recommend between 225 and 325 grams of carbs daily. After 6 months, the researchers found that the 26 percent of people who followed the drug and the modified Atkins diet had a more than 50 percent reduction in epileptic seizures compared to those who took the drug alone. A three percent reduction was observed in people taking only the drug. Researchers found that four people in the diet group were free of epileptic seizures by the end of the study. While no one in the group taking only the drug was free from the problem of seizures. During this study, quality of life and side effects were also observed at 6 months.

The researchers said that the group that followed the modified Atkins diet with medication showed improvement in all areas compared to the group that took medication alone. The researchers also accepted in the study that information about epileptic seizures was given by patients or their caregivers, so it is possible that some of them may not have been reported at all.

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