for how many years has neighboring country Pakistan been under military control

Pakistan is a country that has lived most of its existence under the shadow of military rule., Since the establishment of the country, the Army has played a special role in the politics here., Many times the army has directly seized power, Due to which the democratic development of the country has been hindered, In such a situation, let us know in this article that for how long the military has been in control in Pakistan.,

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What has been the history of military rule in Pakistan?,

The history of military rule in Pakistan has been long and difficult., There, military interference in politics has been seen since the establishment of the country., In such a situation, Pakistan has been under the control of the army thrice., i.e. overall approximately 33 years remained under the occupation of Pakistan Army,

1958, first military rule, General Ayub Khan 1958 Seized power by imposing martial law in the country, They 11 ruled the country for years,

1977, second military rule, General Ziaul Haq 1977 Captured power by removing Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in, He launched a campaign of Islamization and tried to make the country a religious nation.,

1999, third military regime, General Pervez Musharraf 1999 Captured power by removing Nawaz Sharif in, He imposed emergency in the country and made several amendments in the constitution.,

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Why was military rule imposed?,

There are many reasons for military rule in Pakistan, Political instability has persisted since the country’s founding., There has been constant conflict between different political parties, which has hindered the country’s development, Apart from this, Pakistan has always been struggling with economic problems. Military rulers have often seized power to deal with economic crises., Also, Pakistan has always been influenced by western countries., These countries have often supported military rule in Pakistan, The army has a lot of influence in Pakistani society., Army is considered the protector of the country and people believe that only army can take the country on the right path.,

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