For the first time in Pakistan a Hindu became a police officer know what are the rules of army and police recruitment

For the first time a Hindu woman has become a police officer in Pakistan., Manisha Ropeta has got this honor, She is the first woman police officer of Sindh Police., Ropeta has 2021 Passed the Sindh Public Service Commission examination in, It is considered difficult for a Hindu girl to become a police officer in Pakistan., Ropeta had handled the case of attempted kidnapping of Pakistani actress Nimra Khan., Ropeta had said about joining the police force,I hope that the girls in our community will be inspired by my story and follow the path I have taken.,

It is very difficult for a Hindu to become a police officer in Pakistan., In such a situation, when Manisha Ropeta became a police officer, she came into discussion., In such a situation, the question arises whether it is not possible for a Hindu person to become a police officer as per the police rules in Pakistan., Let us know what are the rules and regulations for recruitment in army and police in Pakistan.,

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What are the police and army recruitment rules in Pakistan,

The rules of recruitment in police and army in Pakistan are almost the same., Let us know the army and police recruitment rules in Pakistan,

police recruitment rules, For recruitment in police in Pakistan, candidates have to fulfill some important standards. a physical examination for, There is written examination and personal interview. race in physical exam, high jump And many tests are involved. general knowledge in written exam, mental capacity And questions related to reasoning power are asked. Candidates then undergo specialized training at the Police Training Academy, in which the law, investigation process, and are trained about the duties,

Army recruitment rules, Physical examination for candidates for recruitment in Pakistan Army, written examination And have to go through an interview. Age limit of candidates for army recruitment 16 From 23 Lasts for a year. Apart from this, physical fitness is required for joining the army., physical ability And there is also a mental fitness test. as well as For recruitment in the army, the candidate must be a Pakistani citizen. There are different types of posts for recruitment in the army. officers like, non,commissioned officer, soldier And different for all these,There are different standards.

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There are separate rules for minorities also

Minorities like Hindus in Pakistan, There are few opportunities for people from Sikh and Christian communities in the army and police. Members of these communities are generally in small numbers in the military and police forces., The Government of Pakistan has encouraged minorities to participate in government services. There are also reserved seats for minorities in police and army., Which encourages their participation.

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