For these reasons Israel remains at the forefront of farming technology

Israel Farming Technology: Israel came into existence as a country in the year 1948. This country situated in the Middle East is as big as the Indian state of Mizoram in terms of area. In terms of area, India has increased 150 times more than Israel. When Israel was formed. Then Israel had nothing.

Neither was the land suitable for farming. Nor any technology. But after decades, Israel is now surpassing the big countries of the world in terms of farming technology. Many countries of the world are following Israeli technology. Let us know why Israel is number 1 in terms of farming technology.

There are different irrigation techniques in Israel

Israel’s progress in farming technology in the last few decades has been unmatched. Israel has invented such techniques for farming which the whole world is now trying. In Israel, different techniques are used for irrigation.

Water drips are used in different ways. Due to which the production capacity of the crop increases. Farmers grow three crops in a year. Water is also not wasted with this technology. And every part of the field gets adequate irrigation.

Grain storage is done in different ways

Often in India, many tonnes of grain rots and gets spoiled in storage. But Israel has made different types of boxes to store grains. Where there is no spoilage in the grain. And at the same time it also remains away from air and water. Many other countries of the world are using this technology.

insect repellent insecticide

Israel has created such an insect repellent. Which differentiates between pests important for the crop and those that are dangerous for the crop. It keeps those pests away from the crop. Which are bad for the crop. So the beetles are there for pollination. They are not harmed by this medicine. There has been a huge increase in strawberry cultivation due to this medicine.

use of software for farming

Israeli agricultural scientists have created a software for farming. Through this software, we can know about new technologies related to farming right from our homes. So if they face any problem then it is also solved through this software.

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