Forest is constantly being made in urine, then this disease can happen

Forest is constantly being made in urine, then this disease can happenForest is constantly being made in urine, then this disease can happen

Your bathroom habits give many information about your health. If your urine is deep yellow or foamy type, then there is a lack of water in your body. If you have eaten some root vegetables, then the urine can smell. If a person is having foamy urine, what to say about this? If you suddenly see bubbles in the toilet, is it a cause of concern?

‘Brigham and Women’s Hospital’ ‘Nephrologist Ana Claudia Onchic-Vitford says’ MD’, a layer of large bubbles that disappear in a few minutes after urinating. It is considered normal. But if there are such foam in urine which do not go even after a few minutes, then it can be a sign of serious health problems. In many cases, foams are made in urine in the kidney problem. Foam is also made in urine in the problem of diabetes and blood cancer. & nbsp;

If you or someone around you are going through such a problem, then you advise them to go to the doctor immediately. This can be a sign of your health related problems. According to the news published in India TV English Portal, what are the reasons for the froth in the urine and in such a situation you will talk in detail about which tests you should do.

These serious problems can be behind the froth in urine:

Protein enlargement in the body: Protein can come in urine due to kidney problems, which can cause foamy urine.

kidney problems: If the kidney does not work properly, then there may be foam in urine. Actually, kidney problems can also be a major cause of foam in urine.

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diabetes : Diabetic patients can cause more sugar foam in urine. When blood sugar levels in the body increase, foam can form in urine."YouTube video player" SRC ="" Width ="560" Height ="315" Frameborder ="0" Allowfullscreen ="allowfullscreen">

Infection (UTI) or prostate problem in urine paths can also cause foamy urination.

Which tests should be done when foaming in urine?

urine routine test: It is necessary to check protein, glucose and other elements in urine.

Blood Test (Kidney Function Test): Get this test done to know the functioning of the kidney.

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Microalbumin Test: examines the amount of protein in urine.

When to contact a doctor?

If there is frequent foam in urine. The color of urine is dark yellow, red or unusual. There is irritation, pain or any kind of discomfort while urinating and swelling in the body.

Disclaimer: Here information provided here is based only on beliefs and information. It is necessary to mention here that & nbsp; & nbsp; No recognition, does not confirm information. Before implementing any information or recognition, consult the concerned expert.

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