Found a panacea for sleeping early! Woman tells such a trick on social media, she will fall asleep in 2 minutes

There are many people in the world who have problem of sleeplessness. He lies down on the bed at night, but is unable to sleep despite trying for hours. In such a situation, their health also deteriorates and for that they get treatment, take medicines, but still do not get sleep. These days, a video of a woman is going viral on a social media platform, who has told such a panacea for sleeping quickly (How to sleep in 2 minutes), that after knowing her trick you will fall asleep in just 2 minutes. However, his method is quite strange.

According to Daily Star News website, a user named Emily has posted a video on TikTok which has received more than 18 lakh views. In this video (Jaldi kaise soyen), Emily has told a strange way to sleep quickly. Rex Ispa, a sleep expert from a company named Happy Beds, has also said this trick is correct. He said that it is better to adopt this technique than trying to sleep by counting sheep.

The woman told that one should imagine herself in another house and think about moving around in it. (Symbolic photo: Canva)

The woman told a wonderful way
So now the question arises that what is this technique, with the help of which people can sleep so easily? First of all, when you lie down on the bed to sleep, take a deep breath. Now think of a house in your mind, which looks exactly like your house, but is not your house, where you live. Emily, the woman who made the video, said that she always imagines her grandmother’s house. After this, think about every small thing related to the house. Like entering inside as soon as the door is opened, things kept side by side, furniture, things kept on the table. That means everything that Emily had seen in her grandmother’s house. She says that before she can even reach the second floor of the house, she starts feeling sleepy and falls asleep.

Sleep expert also said the method is effective
Sleep expert Rex said that in this method we pay attention to our thoughts, in this the body also remains relaxed and cognitive distraction, i.e. the mind separates itself from all other thoughts. All these things are necessary for good sleep. Our old house, or the house of our grandparents is good because we have a connection with it and we can easily think about it. Now when you think about a place to which you are very attached, then your mind automatically leaves aside the problems of the day and focuses on the intricacies of the house. It is important to keep moving through the room with your thoughts, otherwise your mind will stop at one place and you will not be able to sleep.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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