free condoms in government hospitals know how many condoms you can take at once

Free Condoms In Government Hospitals: What is the use of condom? Generally everyone knows about this. But still many people in India avoid talking about this openly. Even today in India, talking about sexual relations or the use of condom is considered taboo. This is the reason why India’s population has surpassed even China today.

Many people in India still hesitate to buy condoms from medical stores. People go to medical stores and ask for condoms as if they are asking for a bribe. So, there is good news for those who hesitate to do this or feel shy. They can get condoms for free from government hospitals. Know how many condoms you can take at one time.

Free condoms are available in government hospitals

There are many government hospitals in India. There you get free treatment and medical facilities. But along with that you also get free condoms. Many people are not aware of this. And that is why many people are not able to use this facility. You will see condom boxes installed in many government hospitals. You can easily get free condoms by going there.For this, you do not have to give any information nor do you have to pay any fee.

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This is a great way for those who feel shy or hesitant to buy condoms from medical stores. You can maintain your privacy and also get a condom. Apart from government hospitals, condoms are also distributed by ASHA workers. If there is an ASHA worker near you, you can ask for it from them.

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The limit is not fixed

Regarding free condoms, this question also comes in the minds of people that how many condoms can a person take. Has the hospital set any limit for this? So let us tell you that it is not that the hospital has set any limit for this. Any person can take free condoms as per his need. There are no rules and restrictions on this. Now in government hospitals, along with free condoms, free birth control pills and pregnancy test kits are also being given.

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