From elephant to dog people kill and eat these animals too know facts

Namibia these days 100 is going through the worst drought in years, as a result of which, in the country 700 It has been decided to kill wild animals, Elephant among these animals, Includes hippos and zebras, This decision has been taken due to the food crisis caused by the severe drought going on in the country., With this decision the Namibian government 1.4 million people, A plan has been made to provide meat to almost half the population of the country,

It is being said that the grain warehouses have been emptied, In such a situation, the government has given permission to kill other animals including elephants as part of its plan to provide food to the people., Killing animals in this manner is called Kalinga, Under this scheme the total 723 A list of animals has been prepared, In this list 30 Hippos60 Buffalo50 Impala100 Blue Wildebeest300 Zebra83 Elephant and 100 Elands ,a type of deer, Are included, There itself 150 More than animals have already been killed and about 63 Tons of meat has been removed, In such a situation, let us know which people are,Which animals’ meat do you eat?,

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why,Which animals do people kill and eat?,

There is diversity in food in the world, There are many animals in the world that people kill and eat., So let us know which,Which animals do people kill and eat?,

General Animals Of Meat

  • Chicken, Chicken is the most commonly consumed meat in the world. It is widely consumed and used in a wide variety of dishes.,
  • Mutton And Beef, Mutton ,Lamb meat, and beef ,beef, are also very common, especially the middle,East, India, and in western countries. They are a good source of protein and are used in many traditional dishes,
  • pig Of Meat, Pork, also called pork, commonly eaten in many countries, It is a staple in many food products and dishes,

unusual Animals Of Meat

  • Elephant, Elephant meat is eaten in some African countries, Especially in areas where elephants are commonly hunted. However, Keeping the safety of elephants in mind, This practice has been banned in many places.
  • Dog, Dog meat is eaten in some Asian countries, such as China, Korea, and Vietnam. This practice is traditional and dog meat is included in meals during some festivals and special occasions. However, There is growing criticism and ban on dog meat in many countries.
  • Tiger And Lion, There has been a tradition of eating meat of predatory animals like tiger and lion in some places, But this is usually associated with poaching and conservation issues. The practice of eating the meat of these animals is now declining and strict laws are being implemented to protect them.

Marine Organisms Of Meat

  • Sharks, Shark meat is eaten in some maritime countries. It is used in traditional cuisine and medicine, However, attention is also being paid to the protection of some species of sharks.
  • Molluscs ,fleshy Marine creatures,, molluscs such as oysters, Clam, And scallops are also included in seafood. They are consumed in many countries and are particularly rich in high protein and minerals.
  • C Cucumber ,C Cucumber,, This sea creature is considered a highly valued food in some Asian countries. It is also used especially in traditional medicine,

Specific And save ones Animal

  • Tortoise, Turtle meat is part of traditional medicine and food in some countries, Although, Several turtle species are protected and restrictions have been imposed on their meat,
  • Calamari And Octopus, These sea creatures are popular in many countries, Especially in Mediterranean and Asian cuisine. They are used in various dishes and are especially popular among seafood lovers,

Other Animals Of Meat

There are only a few animals in the world whose meat people do not eat, There is difference in food around the world,There are different variations, Tell me the giraffe, Lion, Snake, Marine animals, There are many animals like camel whose meat people like to eat,

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