From tooth decay to joint pain, this 20 rupee thing is nectar, eat one piece daily, you will get amazing benefits.

7 Proven Health Benefits of eating Ginger everyday: There are many such things in our kitchen, which not only enhance the taste of our food, but also prove to be very useful for our health. One such useful thing is ginger. Till now you were using ginger only for making tea or enhancing the taste of your vegetables. But you will be stunned to know how much benefit this small thing of Rs 20 gives to your health.

Mumbai’s Clinical Dietitian Dr. Mehar Panjwani says that ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, which can relieve you from many types of pain and swelling. Not only this, ginger also proves useful in weight loss. Let us tell you 7 such benefits of ginger, knowing which you will start consuming it immediately.

  1. Ginger has a property called gingerols. It is because of gingerol that ginger has been used for years in traditional medicine to treat many types of diseases. Due to gingerol, ginger prevents the growth of oral bacteria and keeps your teeth healthy.
  2. Ginger can relieve you from conditions like morning sickness or restlessness and vomiting in the morning.
  3. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties. That means it can also help in getting relief from swelling or irritation etc. in the body.
  4. Ginger can also play an important role in reducing weight. Drinking ginger juice helps in reducing weight.
  5. According to the study, ginger contains some compounds which can help in getting rid of diseases like osteoarthritis.
  6. Ginger is used as a natural remedy for cough, cold and cough. Its anti-bacterial property makes it effective in fighting seasonal flu.
  7. Potassium is found in ginger, so it can help in controlling high blood pressure.

Tags: food, health, health benefits, Lifestyle

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