Garlic which was sold at Rs 400 to Rs 500 per kg is now being sold at Rs 40 to Rs 100, this is the reason. – News18 Hindi

Rahul Manohar/Sikar. After the huge rise in the prices of garlic, now the prices have fallen face down. Common people and housewives will benefit greatly from the fall in the price of garlic, but farmers are now worried. Garlic crop has started reaching the markets from farmers’ fields. Garlic prices have fallen with the arrival of new produce in the markets. Now the condition of garlic is such that the wholesale price which was more than Rs 350 to Rs 500 per kg till a month ago, has now reached only Rs 40 to Rs 60 per kg. Due to fall in the price of garlic, garlic which was missing from vegetable stalls and shops has now started appearing again.

According to traders, the new crop of garlic is ready and digging has started at the local level. After digging, farmers have started selling garlic to traders and markets. Due to increase in quantity of garlic in the markets, its price has suddenly fallen. Now its prices will fall further in the coming days.

new garlic is raw
Farmer Vikram Meena, who sells garlic in the market, said that last year most of the farmers did not produce garlic due to poor prices. Due to low production of garlic, its demand suddenly increased in the market and its prices skyrocketed. After this, the farmers started growing garlic in their fields and most of the farmers started digging the garlic before time due to which the garlic bulbs remained small and raw. Although, the price of local garlic is currently around Rs 100 per kg, but the price of hybrid garlic is less. Now the arrival of garlic in the market will increase from April.

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Demand for garlic is high in summer
Garlic has a hot nature, hence garlic is consumed more in winter to keep the body warm. Apart from this, in most of the rural areas of Rajasthan, many types of pickles and food items are made to keep the body warm, in which garlic is used in abundance, this was the reason why the demand for garlic had increased in winter. Now the summer season has started, hence eating garlic will increase the amount of heat in the body, hence now people will use garlic in very less quantity in vegetables and other food items.

Tags: Local18, Rajasthan news, sikar news, Vegetable Price

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