Garuda Purana Know Why Destroyed Good Luck Health Friends And Knowledge In Life

Garuda Purana, Lord Vishnu Niti in Hindi: Many books, Vedas and Puranas have been written about Hindu religion. But Garuda Purana is considered important in all the Puranas. The reason for this is that, it is such a book in which not only life but death and the events after death have been explained in detail.

Along with this, things related to knowledge, religion and ethics have also been told in Garuda, following which people lead a happy life and attain salvation after death. Along with this, some things related to daily life have been learned, so that you can remain free from problems in your life.

Why good luck, health, friends and learning get destroyed

Sometimes it happens that we have family, wealth, property, good health, knowledge, prestige and friends all things. But gradually these things start getting destroyed from life and the person starts feeling cheated or unfortunate. But do you know the reason why good fortune, health, friends and knowledge get destroyed. The reasons for the destruction of these things have been explained in Garuda Purana. Let’s know about it.

  • The reason for the destruction of happiness and good fortune: Some people are endowed with wealth and all kinds of comforts. But in spite of this, Goddess Lakshmi gets angry with such people who do not take bath everyday and wear dirty and dirty clothes and their happiness and good fortune also gets destroyed. Also, such people do not get respect in the society. That’s why wear only clean and fragrant clothes. Also take bath daily.
  • Due to this knowledge is destroyed: No matter how great a scholar someone is, if he does not practice continuously, he forgets everything and his knowledge is destroyed. So whatever you learn, practice it continuously. There is a saying about this- “Sujan is the root cause of practice”, The meaning of this couplet is- “Even a fool can become intelligent if he practices with constant mind”.
  • These things destroy health: The real capital of a man is his health. That’s why one should be aware of health and like other work, health should also be taken care of. Because most of the diseases are due to unbalanced and indigestion food. That’s why always eat digestible and nutritious food.
  • This is why friends leave Sometimes we lose a good friend because of our small mistake. Because the basic mantra of friendship is ‘trust’. Friends share many things with each other. In such a situation, it is important that you keep these things limited to yourself. If you gossip about these things, it destroys friendship.

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is necessary to mention here that does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.

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