Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti These Auspicious Work Never Done By Ashubh Time

Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti in Hindi: Garuda Purana has been placed in the category of important Puranas of Hindu religion. By reading this Purana, not only does a person understand the difference between right and wrong, but it also contains many secrets of living a happy life.

Do all the work at the right time

In Hindu religion, time, day, Vaar, Muhurta etc. have been prescribed for all works. Therefore, time has been set for everything from birth to marriage, worship, rituals and even the rituals to be performed after death. The work is considered complete if it is done at the right time.

In this sequence, Garuda Purana has mentioned about some such tasks, doing which at inauspicious time can prove costly for you. Not only this, if you do these things at the wrong time, you may have to regret it for the rest of your life. Let us know about these works.

  • sweep: According to Garuda Purana, one should never sweep the house after sunset. Although Goddess Lakshmi likes cleanliness, evening is considered the time of arrival of Goddess Lakshmi. Therefore one should never sweep the house at this time.
  • Eating curd: Consumption of curd is very good for health. But if you eat curd after sunset, it may harm you. Such people fall ill and their lifespan is also reduced.
  • Tulsi worship: In Hindu religion, there is a sacred plant of Tulsi in every house and it is worshipped. But never worship Tulsi at night nor offer water to Tulsi. It is considered very inauspicious to do so.
  • Cutting hair and nails: Special days for cutting hair and nails have also been mentioned in the scriptures. According to this, hair and nails should not be cut or trimmed on Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday. Also, these things should not be done after sunset. You can cut your hair and nails on Monday, Wednesday and Sunday.

read this also: Garuda Purana: These 5 habits lead to ruin, keep distance from them immediately otherwise you will become poor.

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