Gave birth to 4 children together, became mother of 5 in 3 years, said – Have to change nappies all day long, life has become ‘hell’!

Becoming a mother can be a special experience for any woman, but she would not want to experience such a special experience more than once or twice. Women have to go through many problems in the journey of becoming a mother. In such a situation, this journey also becomes difficult for them. When a woman told about her difficulties, after listening to her, perhaps the women who are going to become mothers (Woman 5 kids), or are thinking of becoming mothers, will change their minds!

According to the report of Daily Star News website, 33-year-old Raquel Tolver is a resident of America and in October 2022, she came to know that not just one, but 4 children (Woman pregnant with quadruplets) are growing in her womb. Within 26 weeks, their children were born on 23 March 2023. The babies then had to stay in the NICU for several months at Tampa General Hospital in Florida. Only when he became healthy, he was able to come home. 4 children, who are now 10 months old and already have a younger child, Dressen, the woman has become the mother of a total of 5 children.

life has become difficult
Her husband Deris works in an IT company. Because of this, she is a housewife and takes care of the children herself. She told that every day she washes 32 baby bottles, changes 30 nappies and washes clothes 4 times. She says that when her elder son Dress returns from his nursery in the evening, it is time to feed and put the children to sleep. By then their house is completely filled with commotion. The names of their 4 children are Bryson, Amaya, Royce, and Denzel. Raquel said that she gets tired of changing her children’s nappies, and because of this her life has become like hell. She told that she cleans when the children sleep.

The woman was struggling with physical problems
He said that there are not many people in his family, hence he has to take care of the children alone. They change children’s clothes at the same time and also feed them at the same time. Rekal told that in 2019 she came to know that she was suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome. At that time she was also busy conceiving Drayson. Their son was born in 2020. Doctors had given her only 10 percent chance of getting pregnant again because in September 2022 it was revealed that her ovaries were blocked by a cyst. However, after 18 months of trying, she found happiness again when she became pregnant.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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