Geeta Gyan One Should Never Promise Anyone In Such A Situation Know The Priceless Teachings Of Gita

Knowledge of Geeta: The teachings of Lord Krishna are described in Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta. These teachings of Gita were given by Shri Krishna to Arjuna during the Mahabharata war. The teachings given in Gita are equally relevant even today and show man the right way to live life.

Whoever adopts the words of Gita walks on the path of progress. Gita is the only scripture that teaches human how to live. Geeta teaches the lesson of religion, karma and love in life.

Teachings of Gita

    • In Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta, Shri Krishna has said that these three mantras should always be remembered to avoid any kind of difficult situations in life. Never promise anyone in joy, do not answer in anger and do not take any decision in sorrow.

  • Shri Krishna says in Gita that the person who talks clearly and straight may have harsh words but such a person never cheats anyone. That’s why one should try to understand the words of the person who talks clearly.
  • It is written in the Gita that if one’s own thinking is good, other people automatically start liking him. If your intention is clear, then all the work automatically starts going well. That’s why instead of focusing on others, focus on your deeds.
  • Many times in life we ​​get out of big problems as if someone is supporting us..the name of this invisible power is God..!!
  • Shri Krishna says that getting angry is bad, but anger must be shown where it is needed, otherwise people will never realize that they are doing something wrong. In such a situation, he will always treat you the same way.
  • It is said in Gita, Truth never claims that I am truth but falsehood always claims that only I am truth!! There is a bad habit even in a good person, that he thinks everyone is good.
  • Shri Krishna says in Gita that our destiny is the result of our own past deeds. Similarly, the actions we are doing today will determine our tomorrow.

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